An Open Letter to Heartlessly Judgmental Mask-Free People in New Jersey
To those ignorant and mean people in New Jersey,
Stop it. No really, take inventory and change.
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Let me be clear by saying that the people I'm addressing in this letter are in the minority. Most of this State is comprised of good and decent human beings. That's why I live here.
I understand that we are enjoying a mask-free world for the most part. Not having to wear a mask in most places revitalized my independence. Life is getting back to normal and I'm loving it.
Unfortunately, with the Delta variant, COVID cases and deaths have spiked. As of this writing, New Jersey has not mandated wearing a mask indoors. The CDC is close to recommending it, though. Of course, for those who have chosen not to get vaccinated, it's has been recommended by the CDC that you wear a mask inside.
Tonight, I was walking around a busy mall. I saw a lot more masks. It got me thinking. Should I be wearing a mask? Am I being irresponsible? My conclusion was that I am fully vaccinated. The chance of me getting sick is small. That was my conclusion though, and everyone is entitled to have theirs without being judged.
I was shocked to see how many people were giving those who were wearing masks "a look." Some jerk even passed a woman and said aloud "really?" All she was doing was wearing a mask.
The facts are the facts. COVID cases are sadly on the rise again. For some, this news is scary and worrisome. Everyone has a story. We don't know why people are wearing masks inside. Maybe they are not vaccinated and doing the right thing? Maybe the person we see has worn a mask all along because they're sick or immunocompromised? It's really none of our business.
Can we be judgment-free on masks at this point? 99.9% of people who have started to wear masks indoors again are not "making a statement." They are making a choice for their own reasons.
Damn, why is everything so political? The maskless are on one side and the masked are on the other? No!
Wearing a mask is a personal choice. Period. The first COVID crisis encouraged all to start respecting others and show understanding, patience, and compassion. We're doing that. Most of us.
We're in this together. Let's support each other.
Matt Ryan
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