Are you ‘judgey?’ The 9 people New Jersey says it’s okay to judge (Opinion)
It used to be not OK to judge people. The common sentiment was always, “God judges. That’s HIS job. Thanks anyway, he doesn’t need your help.”
But a new generation of people are learning that it is, in fact, OK to judge people, as long as the judgment is directed towards the prevailing wisdom of what is universally considered “bad.”
Smoking, for instance, is something that is considered so wrong, so evil, that it is considered OK to judge smokers. Yet, one generation ago, people did not cast judgment upon smokers. It was considered THEIR problem to deal with.
Politics has made it much easier for people to know who they can and cannot judge. The left basically decides what is right and what is wrong and therefore who it is acceptable to cast aspersions on.
For instance, you can’t judge drug addicts as people who have made horrible decisions because after all, it’s not their fault. They have a “disease.” You can’t judge those who have children out of wedlock because that’s just another option people have. (In ALL cases, by the way, it’s ok to judge someone who votes for Donald Trump, is ardently religious, or doesn’t like dogs)
We decided to pose the question to our listeners: who is it that you judge?
The 9 groups of people New Jersey says it’s ok to judge
Who do you judge?
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Judi Franco. Any opinions expressed are Judi Franco’s own.