Whether you’re thinking of buying/selling a home or just want to know how the housing market is performing in your neighborhood, my monthly real estate reports will provide you with valuable market data, including the single-family home address, style of home, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, original asking price, closing price and number of days on the market as provided by FlexMLS.

You’ll notice a home that is priced to sell will spend fewer days on the market and sometimes close higher than the original asking price. Access to monthly real estate reports is your start to knowing the inventory trends in your neighborhood.

The following homes have recently closed during the month of October 2017 in Asbury Park. This Real Estate Report is courtesy of A.J. Dell’Omo, Inc., Realtors in Neptune.


423 Prospect              Colonial 4 bed/2.5 bath 99,900 90,000 25

916 Mattison               Colonial 2 bed/1 bath 77,900 92,000 10

32 Borden                   Cape 3 bed/1.5 bath 175,000 129,000 313

30 Ridge                     Colonial 4 bed/2 bath 149,000 143,000 26

19 Dewitt                    Colonial 4 bed/1.5 bath 164,900 145,000 147

623 Church                  Ranch 3 bed/2 bath 225,000 212,500 112

1029 3rd Ave              Colonial 3 bed/1.5 bath 325,000 335,000 23

903 Emory                    Cottage 2 bed/2.5 bath 379,000 410,903 13

1015 4th Ave               Custom 5 bed/4 bath 424,500 425,000 16

701 6th Ave                  Colonial 4 bed/1.5 bath 539,900 535,000 15

603 4th Ave                  Custom 7 bed/3.5 bath 1,150,000 1,075,000 46


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