The beach in Asbury Park
The beach in Asbury Park (Lou Russo, Townsquare Media NJ)

Your photo of Asbury Park could make it into their annual calendar.  Snap a photo of the legendary Asbury Park and enter the contest.  The hard part is deciding which photo you're going to use with so many choices including the beach, boardwalk, parks, amazing architecture and events.  The winning image will be included in the annual calendar, which will go out to the residents.  If your photo doesn't make it into the calendar, you may see it in other spots like their newsletter, website or social media connects.  Some of the contest rules include a recent photo taken within the last 12 months and a preference toward landscape photos with all photo entries being high resolution.  You can submit your photo with your full name and contact information to before 10/23/20.  Get more details by clicking AP CONTEST.  Good Luck!

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