A bakery was recently put on blast by an anonymous customer for naming a cheesy sandwich after Jesus Christ.

The Mirror reports the Bridge Bakehouse of Whaley Bridge, U.K., is under fire for naming one of their culinary creations "Cheesus Christ," which caused a customer to get so upset they threatened to take legal action over the name.

The bakery learned it may have caused offense after receiving a letter claiming there was "clearly a case to answer" for "discrimination against Christians."

The letter the bakery received, which falsely claimed to come from the religious advocacy group Christian Concern, read:

"Although our clients would prefer to settle this matter outside of the court, there is clearly a case to answer here. Our clients do not wish to take this further, but feel they will need to in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior if action is not taken."

The letter included a list of demands for the bakery, including making a public apology, removing the sandwich from the menu and making a $365 donation to a local church.

As of reporting, no specific individual has copped to writing or sending the letter. However, it has been confirmed that it didn't come from any nearby church or the Christian Concern group.

The Bridge Bakehouse via Facebook
The Bridge Bakehouse via Facebook

The Bridge Bakehouse believes the letter is from a "disgruntled member of the local community."

Additionally, someone vandalized the bakery's menu, which the bakery believes is connected to the complaint they were sent.

The Bridge Bakehouse had offered their "Cheesus Christ" sandwich since September 2021.

The cold-served sandwich comes with caramelized onion chutney, mature cheddar and mozzarella. Sounds heavenly!

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