Ep. 31: 94 Seconds W/ Nicole – For Or Against Vaping (Pt. 1 & 2)
And we are back with our first-ever two-part episode of '94 Seconds With Nicole!'
This week's topic is a very top-of-mind subject matter and the debate has been getting pretty intense.
Part 1 is all about the PRO side of Vaping 🚬
Shout out to Vapes 732 in Keansburg for discussing one side of the discussion that may not be heard by all!
Watch Part 1 and ask yourself: Am I convinced? Did I switch sides? (Part 2 is below!)
And then of course, Part 2 of the first-ever two-part episode of '94 Seconds With Nicole.'
Now it is time to explore the other side of the argument: the reasons to be against vaping. 🚭🚭
A huge thank you to, Liaison to Monmouth County Health & Human Services & Freeholder, Sue Kiley for sharing all that she knows about this highly-discussed topic. Monmouth County Government
So watch Part 2 and then try and determine the answer to this question: Are you for or against vaping?
Thank you to Joccy M and Scott Hvozdovic Jr. for your help with both episodes this week.
We know you have a few topics on your mind that has not been discussed just yet so make sure to comment or message us on the Facebook Video Pt. 1 & Facebook Video Pt. 2, the 94.3 The Point Facebook Page, or on Instagram or Twitter with whatever idea pops into your head.
We will see you next week on Tuesday!
P.S. Did you miss last week's episode of '94 Seconds With Nicole?' Check it out below!
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