Teenage boys are dressing up in fancy suits, posing in formation with hand steeples and bringing bananas to their local movie theaters to watch Minions: The Rise of Gru for a bizarre new TikTok trend.

They're calling themselves "GentleMinions."

While the term "gentle" might imply courteous behavior from these self-proclaimed Minions, unfortunately this hasn't been the case for many screenings of the movie hit by disruptive GentleMinions.

Many GentleMinions — a play on "gentlemen," if you haven't yet figured it out — are rolling up in groups with a mission to cause chaos at the movies with their rowdy behavior.

Reportedly, many teen moviegoers participating in the trend have been witnessed shouting, running around the aisles, trashing their theater and throwing bananas.

Hoping to go viral on TikTok, these teens are posting their unruly videos on the app using the #GentleMinions hashtag.

Unfortunately, the disruptive behavior has pushed many movie theaters to their limit.

Cinemas across the globe are now banning these raucous teens from seeing the film.

A pic snapped at an Odeon Cinema in the U.K. recently went viral for its warning against bad behavior from GentleMinions.

"Due to recent disturbances following the #GentleMinions trend, any group of guests in formal attire will be refused entry for the showing of Minions: The Rise of Gru. Thank you," the sign read.

According to The Mirror, come cinemas in the U.K. have "suffered a 'massive' financial impact" due to teens disrupting the animated film.

Disruptive moviegoers have been accused of throwing food and even screaming during screenings of The Rise of Gru, resulting in some movie theaters having to issue refunds to other patrons for the trouble.

Do you think movie theaters should ban all GentleMinions, or should they host separate screenings for the teens? Let PopCrush know by connecting with us on Facebook or Twitter.

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