According to, Gordon Ramsay is releasing a line of hard seltzers in 2021. The name of the hard seltzer line will be Hell's Seltzer and will come in four flavors. The flavors of Hell's Seltzer that will be released are Berry Inferno, Knicker Twist, Mean Green and That's Forked. The flavor combinations of these seltzers look very interesting. I have a feeling they are going to go well together given Gordon Ramsay's chef background. He's not working alone on this project, he is partnering with Brew Pipeline and Global Brews of London. The seltzers are all gluten free and a 12 pack will cost around $16. You can get more details on Gordon's new business venture here.

I remember when hard seltzers first came out about 5 years ago and I started drinking them because I had just lost like 30 pounds on a diet that I wasn't allowed to have sugar or carbs. Once I came off the diet, I wanted to keep the weight off, but still wanted to have some fun in the summer. So I discovered a Spiked Seltzer company which I believe is now called Bon & Viv Spiked Seltzer and it was good. So yeah, I drank these before a lot of people did, cuz I'm so cool. (Just kidding!) Anyways, I like that you can now get any kid of hard seltzer you want when you go to the liquor store. There so many different kinds and flavors and it's easy to find ones you like. I like that they are low calorie and low carb and when you drink them all day, you don't feel like garbage the next day. Plus, if you're trying to keep the weight off that you just lost, but still wanna have fun, they are the perfect drink. Let's hope Gordon Ramsay's are good!

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