How To Donate To Puerto Rico
Schwartz Mazda in Shrewsbury has teamed up with Circle Chevy in Shrewsbury to fill a 26-foot truck with supplies to be sent to the people in Puerto Rico. The people of Puerto Rico are in desperate need of water, food, and supplies.
I spoke to John Schwartz of Schwartz Mazda and collecting these donations is something he is very passionate about. "I will collect donations until I fill the truck. I have a 26-foot truck so I can fit quite a lot in it. Once that is filled I will drop it off in Newark to the Fire Department I am working with and come back and fill it again."
vAll donations should be brought to the showrooms at both Schwartz Mazda and Circle Chevy. From there, his employees will sort it and pack it into the truck. The hours of operation are Monday thru Thursday from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. and Friday & Saturday from 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Here is a list of what is needed:
* water
* baby diapers
* baby formula
* baby wipes
* canned goods (spam, Vienna sausages, tuna, beans, carnation, powdered milk, Cafe bustelo, canned tomato sauce, Gatorade, canned fruit, ramen noodles, protein bars etc)
* candles
* matches
* non aerosol bug spray
* feminine hygiene products
* adult diapers
* first aid kits
* band aids
* neosporin
* hand sanitizer
* deodorant
* toothpaste
* toothbrushes
* medicines for adults and children (Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl, excedrin etc).
* trash bags
* non aerosol disinfectant
* toilet paper
* paper towels
Every donation helps!
An update on my family, we have heard from everyone except my grandmother in Guayanilla. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
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