Warning: You Should Never Use These 8 Emojis on Instagram
If you've been noticing a lot of creepers on your Instagram feed, it may not be the pictures you're posting. It could be the emojis you're using.
Andrea James, a contributor over at Boing Boing decided at the beginning of the pandemic to post on her Instagram account more often to spread positivity during a difficult time.
Instead, she was overwhelmed by creeps.
Unlike Twitter, Instagram allows you to block offensive comments and emojis.
By blocking just eight emojis, Andrea claims that it stopped 90% of unwanted comments on her pics.
Those eight emojis are the eggplant, the peach, the splashing sweat emoji, the mouth emoji, three different smiley faces with their tongue hanging out, and the drooling smiley face emoji.
To make this happen:
Tap the Menu button, then Settings, Privacy, Comments, and find the option that says 'Manual Filter.' From there you can select these eight emojis or any that you don't want appearing in your comments. It's not just emojis. Any words or phrases that you don't want to see can be added in the 'Manual Filter' section. You can go even further.
There's also an option in there called 'Hide Offensive Comments' that automatically blocks anything Instagram's algorithm sees as offensive.
So if you've been overwhelmed by haters, creeps, or trolls and don't have the time to be monitoring IG 24/7, this is probably worth taking the 15-20 minutes it takes to filter emojis and words.
Happy scrolling!
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