‘Immersive’ haunted trail in Wall, NJ is sure to scare the bejeezus out of you
WALL — Looking for something unique, different, and downright spooky to do on these hauntingly, frightful New Jersey weekends in October?
Check out “The Conover Killings,” a small, but unique and immersive haunted trail attraction located at 3101 Hurley Pond Road, Wall Township.
What is the story behind “The Conover Killings?”
Here's the fictional backstory, according to the website. Thirteen years ago, a boy had his friends over for their annual Halloween hangout. They played their usual game of manhunt, but this time Jonathan was “it.”
Jonathan hunted each one of his friends, murdering them one by one with different tools he had in his shed. The last kill was his own mother. The town thought this scary story was ending when in reality, a new chapter of terror was just beginning.
Listen to the entire origin here.
What does the attraction look like?
The haunted trail attraction is a 23 to 26-minute sort of guided (can’t spoil too much) tour throughout Christmas trees, cornfields, and woods, said trail creator Rob Panasuk.
He said this trail is different and unique from many others because victims, I mean, customers, can listen to a scary story about the property they are walking on, which makes it more immersive and puts them right into the story themselves.
How do "The Conover Killings" help a good cause?
A portion of the proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to Autism Movement Project, a local nonprofit that works with kids as well as adults with autism, helping them stay fit and active through numerous activities, Panasuk said.
“I’ve had the pleasure of getting to see their work and they’re an amazing group of people, working for an amazing cause,” he said.
Panasuk has a cousin with autism and he has seen how much his Uncle Greg and Aunt Susie do for their son, so to know there’s an organization dedicated to helping and focusing on those with autism is very special to him.
Time slots are booking up fast for “The Conover Killings.” Find out what all terror is about.
Who knows? Maybe Jonathan will make an appearance. But watch your back. You don’t want to be a victim of his latest manhunt.
If you go
“The Conover Killings” haunted trail is open every weekend until Halloween. Follow social media for more concrete dates. It will also be open Monday, Oct. 17 for a service industry night for those who can’t make it because they work on weekends.
Cost is $25 per person (sales tax is included).
Jen Ursillo is a reporter and anchor for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach her at jennifer.ursillo@townsquaremedia.com
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