It should save everyone time and money.

Gov. Phil Murphy has signed a bill into law that speeds up the construction permitting process in New Jersey.

During an event in Elizabeth on Thursday, Murphy said the measure, A573, codifies a three-day construction inspection turnaround from the date of the requested inspection “without importantly, sacrificing safety, fairness to homeowners and small developers, or effective oversight of the Department of Community Affairs.”

Murphy said many Garden State developers, homeowners, and their contractors know the frustration of having a project reach the stage where it needs an inspection to move forward, only to be faced with long delays in having the inspection done.

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More options

“Under this law, local governments will have several avenues to go down to improve their ability to conduct inspections in a timelier manner,” Murphy said.

The governor explained this will happen “whether it be through a streamlined bidding process to contract with private inspection agencies to conduct inspections for them or entering into shared services agreements to consolidate work among neighboring municipalities.”

Murphy noted under the new law developers and contractors “will also be able to have their work checked by a private inspection agency should local construction officials fail to conduct an inspection within three days of a requested inspection date.”

He said one thing that will not change is final construction approval and sign-off on a certificate of occupancy will still come from the local construction official.

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Fewer construction headaches

Murphy said the new law, while reducing construction headaches, will also promote housing affordability and bolster the state’s economic recovery.

“It will keep our construction industry, and the thousands of the jobs by that way that support it, moving forward,” the governor said.

According to Jeff Kolakowski, CEO of the New Jersey Builders Association, the measure signed into law “will foster a more efficient system of handling building code inspections that will result in a more affordable housing market, revitalized economic strength and additional career and business opportunities in the construction industry.”

Michele Siekerka, president and CEO of the New Jersey Business & Industry Association, said the law “provides a more expeditious process for obtaining construction inspections, which is greatly needed to avoid unnecessary delays for certificates of occupancy. We greatly appreciate both working with the business community and construction industry on this legislation."

David Matthau is a reporter for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach him at

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