It Could Soon Hurt Your Wallet To Not Receive The COVID-19 Vaccine In New Jersey
I know this post is going to upset a lot of people but I would rather give everyone all the facts rather than have people not know.
There has been a big divide occurring in this country and it all is based on whether or not people don't or do want to be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus.
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Well this post is more to educate those of you who are NOT vaccinated about a new policy that could effect your wallet.
There have been a lot of incentives released to encourage citizens to get vaccinated: paid time off, gift cards, bonuses and even cold, hard cash.
But now, companies could switch things up by having it cost you money to not be vaccinated.
You could start to lose anywhere from $20 to $50 out of each paycheck for not receiving this vaccine.
This new policy is being suggested by over 20 large companies, but the specific companies are not being named.
But if you are confused, here is a better analogy.
According to Forbes.com, it is being described as a surcharge that is similar, "to the $20 to $50 a month charges companies already charge workers who smoke."
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, I didn't know that...did you? But it makes sense. Those who smoke are that much more likely to have serious health conditions down the line which will cost their health insurance companies more money. I'm not saying its fair but I do get the correlation.
There are a few reasons why this new policy is being suggested.
The main reason, which is explained below by Mercer's regulatory resources group leader, Wade Symons, is....MONEY!
“Employers have tried encouraging employees to get vaccinated through offering incentives like paid time off and cash, but with the Delta variant driving up infections and hospitalizations throughout the country – at the same time that vaccination rates have stalled – we have received inquiries from at least 20 employers over the past few weeks who are giving consideration to adding health coverage surcharges for the unvaccinated as a way to drive up vaccination rates in their workforce.”
If someone is not vaccinated against COVID-19, it is much more likely that catching the coronavirus will become a serious health issue that would require a rather expensive hospital stay.
This drives up premium prices.....and so on and so forth.
According to Stanford University's Glenn Kramon, the cost of an uninsured COVID-19 patient receiving care has resulted in “a $104,000 bill for a 14-day hospitalization.”
Listen. I get it.
Times are stressful and tensions are running high around COVID-19, the delta variant, the health restrictions and everything revolving around the COVID-19 vaccine.
So here is what I will say about this.
Just like choosing to be a regular smoke, not getting the COVID-19 vaccine is a choice...and one that you have every right to make.
But just because you have the right to make a decision, it does not mean that this decision will not come with consequences. (And when I use the word "consequences" here, this could mean positive or negative aftermath as a result).
So if you are wary of the vaccine and want to hold off -- the consequence could soon be that it will cost you more for health insurance the same way it would if you chose to smoke cigarettes.
I'm not one of the decision makers here but I do get it.
If you have a problem with it, talk to your employer and have a discussion. Open communication is one of the basic things we can rely on as we battle our way through this pandemic.
Stay safe and make the best choice for YOU -- but just know, that those choices will always come with some form of consequences.
Take a look at the original article at Forbes.com.
But while you absorb this information, what do you say we talk about something a bit more fun like....FOOD!?
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