New Jersey is so much more than what people make it out to be.

When I tell an outsider I'm from New Jersey, I'm usually met with some ridiculous responses.  Our state really gets a bad rap thanks to how the media portrays us.  It can be funny to hear some of these downright insane myths people believe about New Jersey, but they get annoying.

A study from Northwestern University shows that stereotypes are formed from everyday observations.  So, while we can admit that some aspects of these generalizations are true, The Garden State is way more diverse and interesting than it gets credited for.

Another study from Taylor's College shows the disadvantages and advantages of stereotyping.  The word stereotype only had a negative connotation for me before I learned about this study.  Taylor's College claims that while all stereotyping isn't harmful, they're not a "healthy depiction of reality."  When we make sweeping generalizations about other people, we fail to see their individuality.  That's some deep stuff.

But, the study also says that stereotyping can be positive when they're "statements that suggest excellence of the targeted group."  However, we still need to use caution with these statements, since they can often come out as backhanded compliments, or offensive overgeneralizations.

Do you think there's a way that we New Jerseyans can change how other states perceive us?  Or, do you think that we're too far gone?  Do generalizations about our state even bother you?

Keep all this in mind the next time someone asks you about your New Jersey accent.  And in the meantime, here are 10 of the most ridiculous myths about New Jersey.

10 Crazy Wrong Beliefs About People from New Jersey

Do people seriously think all people from New Jersey are like this?

10 Tell-Tale Signs that Someone Is Not from New Jersey

Real New Jerseyans know how to spot an out-of-stater.

The Dumbest Things People Have Said About NJ Will Offend You

Take a deep breath as you scroll down because you're not going to believe the things I've actually heard people say about New Jersey.

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