Someone in NJ Could Win a Candy Factory in this Scavanger Hunt
Any Willy Wonka fans out there? Well, the creator of Jelly Belly is giving away a candy factory.
Since he started with the company in 1976, David Klein, one of Jelly Belly jelly bean's founders has wanted to giveaway a candy factory Willy Wonka style. David has decided to retire and make his dream a reality.
He's giving away a candy factory. It's totally legit. Here's how the contest works. David and his partner have begun traveling cross country and hiding special necklaces in random places that have an interesting story behind them. They've will hide a necklace in all 50 states.
For $50 at, you can get a ticket to a scavenger hunt for the necklace in New Jersey.
If you find this necklace, you'll win $5,000 and be put in the running with the winners from the other 50 states to win a key to one of Klein’s candy factories and an all-expenses-paid tuition at a candy-making university. I guess candy-making U is a thing?
As an added bonus, every person who buys a ticket will receive a 40-pack of CBD-infused jelly beans made by Spectrum Confections. Score!
Do you love candy? Up for an adventure? This may be right up your alley. But, I would get in on this fast. There will only be 1,000 tickets sold for New Jersey.