Join Matt Ryan’s Team to Walk to Prevent Suicide
We've been talking every afternoon for almost nine years! In that time you've probably figured out I'm an open book. There's not much happening in my life that doesn't end up on the air. I share my stories to hopefully help others.
Now I'm asking for your help.
I have always been vocal about my suicide attempt and lifelong struggle with mental illness. It's a daily battle, but I continue to find new and better ways to cope. Lifting up others with similar issues is paramount to me. When I thought my life wasn't important enough to live, someone said something. I quickly learned that I'm not alone. If you're reading this and in crisis, I'm here for you.
On Saturday, Sept. 14, The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention will host its annual Out of the Darkness Community Walk. It starts at Bar Anticipation in Lake Como. I will be there for those who have been affected by suicide or mental health concerns. Some will be at the walk in remembrance of a loved one; others will be participating to support someone, possibly themselves, who struggle with mental health.
Last year was my first walk, and it was a day I'll never forget. The feeling of love, support, and acceptance was overwhelming.
It would mean so much for you to join my team and walk with me. I'm not asking you to fundraise. Just join me for a day that will help push the conversation of suicide and mental health forward. I realize that suicide prevention is not an easy topic to broach, but until we are open to dialogue, lives will continue to be lost needlessly.
Check-in is at 8 a.m. The program begins at 8:50 a.m., and the walk starts at 9 a.m. Afterward, there's a celebration of life on Grotto Beach at Bar A with a BBQ and silent auction.
Please join me by filling out the form below. I'll be in touch with you personally with details on walk day. If you can't make it, I am raising money for my team. A donation would be greatly appreciated! Click here to view my page.