Lobsterfest in Bradley Beach Cancelled….Again

I love Bradley Beach and I am so sad to see this great beach town lose out for the second time.
Labor Day weekend used to mean a wonderful couple of days on the Bradley Beach boardwalk with great food, crafts, and entertainment. A chance to celebrate the end of summer on the beach in a beloved town while strolling along with the ocean at your feet.
But now, even this early in the year, Bradley Beach has had to cancel Lobsterfest. Apparently there were disagreements between the town and the company that was hired to run the event, which led to pulling the plug.
It seems that the organizer, Passion Group, wanted Bradley Beach to cancel their Memorial Day festival, and, instead, extend Lobsterfest one more day plus add a beer and wine tent. Apparently the Memorial Day festival didn't generate enough of a profit.
But Bradley Beach townsfolk in decision-making positions decided to use the cancellation clause.
I love Bradley Beach with or without their festivals, but for the 75,000 or so tourists who would have enjoyed Lobsterfest, and the local businesses that would have profited from the influx, I feel bad.
Here's to finding a solution and resurrecting Lobsterfest next year! Until then, Bradley Beach will have a Memorial Day weekend celebration and will meet to plan something else festive for Labor Day weekend!
For further details about why this all happened, CLICK HERE to read the full story from NJ.com.

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