CAPE MAY — Just in time for summer, a new line of ready-to-drink canned cocktails is now available throughout the Garden State, courtesy of Cape May Spirits Company.

The new sister company to Cape May Brewing Company on Tuesday announced the launch of Beach Blends, which is being distributed in four-packs to stores, featuring the flavors orange vodka crush and tropical vodka punch.

"We really nailed the flavor profile," said Brandon Greenwood, Cape May Spirits Co.'s chief brewing officer and brewmaster. "They're light, refreshing, and are exactly what you will want to pack your cooler with this summer."

Beach Blends (Cape May Brewing Co.)
Beach Blends (Cape May Brewing Co.)

The company said Beach Blends were "made for the art of day-drinking," featuring all natural ingredients and premium spirits.

Each option is 5% alcohol by volume. The cocktails are packaged in 12-ounce cans.

"We believe they're to be a hit amongst consumers and retailers," said Josh Havey, sales director.

Cape May Spirits has been in the works for a long time, according to CEO Ryan Krill. The brewing company first opened its doors in 2011.

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