Meet the Toms River Township Police K-9 Unit
I recently had the opportunity to visit theToms River Township Police training center, it's something I have wanted to do for some time, but with a different twist. I wanted to sit in on the K-9 unit and see the dogs in action and meet the officers who work closely with the police dogs.

I was able to visit their training center in Toms River and witness some of the work that goes into the K-9 Unit. It truly was amazing to see the work between officers (handlers) and the dogs. The work these units do is amazing and so many have benefited from the K-9 Units and the abilities they bring to help protect people.
I interviewed Patrolman Anthony Carafa who is the Toms River K-9 Unit Trainer. I also met members of area K-9 Units, including neighboring Brick Township Police, and members of other area Police Departments including Red Bank in Monmouth County. Thanks to all the officers who let me sit in for this local training session in Toms River.
The dogs of the Toms River K-9 Unit are fantastic as are all the service dogs that help protect residents with police departments around the nation and the world. These dogs give their all to their handlers and the bond between officers and service dogs is amazing. They work together to become a working unit that helps to serve and protect area residents in all kinds of situations.
We wanted to salute the men and women of the Toms River K-9 Unit as well as the dogs. Check out interviews and photos from my visit with the team. Thanks to Police Chief Mitch Little and PR Manager Jillian Messina for arranging my visit and thanks to the K-9 Unit for all they do to protect folks in Toms River.
Toms River Police K-9 Unit
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