Morning After Photos – Jersey Woman Starts New Wedding Trend
After you've documented the cake-cutting, the first kiss, and the bouquet toss, how about memorializing your first night of married passion? Jersey photographer, Michelle Jonne is at the forefront of this new wedding craze. So what do the pics look like?
Morning after photos are exactly what you think they are. They're "sexy" pictures taken of the happy couple on the morning after their wedding night.
For these morning-after photo shoots, the wedding photographer comes into the pair's home, honeymoon suite, or wherever they spent their first night together as a married couple to capture the rumpled, unmade bed, and the bride and groom in various stages of intimacy and undress.
Not everyone in the wedding industry thinks these post-consummation photos are necessary, or even tasteful.
Candy Cantor of New York City's RK Bridal told the New York Daily News:
The trend is a little bizarre. I am far from a prude, but there's a sexiness to the wedding and I think that's enough.
Why would anyone want "morning-after photos?" The wedding photographers who specialize in these shoots say the morning-after pictures celebrate the new bond formed between the couple. One of Michelle Jonné's clients, Iris Shamis, 38, says:
When you get married, you're in the best shape of your life, and why not have these memories.