Looking for a place to take mom for Mother’s Day Brunch? Here are a few places I have been to for Mother’s Day Brunch! I am kind of bummed I won’t be able to get to a brunch this year, my cousin is getting married tomorrow. Please note that some of these places require reservations so make sure you call ahead so you and mom aren’t left out in the rain! I have included the links to their websites.


  1. River Rock Restaurant and Marina Bar – Brick http://riverrockbricknj.com/
  2. Crabs Claw Inn – Lavalette www.thecrabsclaw.com
  3. McLoone’s Pier House – Long Branch mcloonespierhouse.com
  4. The Spring Lake Manor – Spring Lake springlakemanor.com
  5. The Office Lounge – Toms River  www.theofficelounge.net

Enjoy! Tell mom I said HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!

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