We are known for a lot of things here in the amazing state of New Jersey, but being polite is not one of them.

Photo by Nick Page on Unsplash
Photo by Nick Page on Unsplash

Now, that is not to say that we are not polite here in the Garden State. It just means we are not known for being polite.

I think if you're going to have a fair conversation about this, you need to start with the basics, like the definition of the word "polite" that you are working with.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

This is the definition we found in the Merriam-Webster dictionary,

"Of, relating to or having the characteristics of advanced culture".

That is a really good starting point. That definition really seems to be leaving the door open to some interpretations that may cloud up this whole conversation.

Photo by Abhishek Revis on Unsplash
Photo by Abhishek Revis on Unsplash

If we're talking about advanced culture and those types of things, we can see where our behavior, let's say on the Garden State Parkway, might lead others to think we aren't very polite.

But if we simplify the definition to be "being nice to other people whenever you can"  there is no place on Earth that's more polite (Assuming you leave the 'whenever you can' part in there).

Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash
Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

That, however, is not the way people outside New Jersey look at us. As a matter of fact, FreshBooks put out a list of the most polite states, and we actually land in their bottom 10, or as they affectionately refer to it "the rudest states in America"

So there is no doubt it's going to be an uphill battle to unload the stereotype of rudeness here in the Garden State, but when all is said and done, do we really care what other people think? I didn't think so.

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