We grow a lot of great fruits and veggies in New Jersey, but one fruit that is very hard to grow here is figs.

There are some old-timers who grow them in their backyards.

In many Italian neighborhoods in New Jersey, you will find a prized fig tree or two or seven or eight.

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Source Adobe Stock

My dad grew them from cutting a tree his father brought over when he emigrated from Calabria, Italy.

The climate is not really conducive to their growth and flourishing. Many people cut the trees way back in the fall and cover them for winter.

It's a special process and my dad went to great lengths to ensure they made it through every winter.

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Source Adobe Stock

This time of year you will notice them at specialty markets in California and at some local farmers markets you can get lucky enough to find some from small local growers.

It's a fruit that most people around here are not used to and may be considered an acquired taste. If you grew up eating them, they are a precious commodity.

Source Adobe Stock
Source Adobe Stock

There is one guy in New Jersey that is the king of figs and fig growers. His name is Bill Muzychko from Flemington and he gives classes on how to grow the trees in large pots and how to store them in your garage over the winter.

I visited him about 10 years ago at his place.

If you want to know anything about figs or how to grow them, Bill is THE number one source in New Jersey. He is a retired New Jersey State employee who has turned his passion into a virtual Fig University.

If you want to grow your own, don't do anything until you see Bill Muzychko. If you want fresh figs, check your local farm markets right now. They are coming ripe and should only last about another month. Enjoy!

NJ is known for its fresh produce...good luck finding these

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy only.

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Does your loyal pup's breed make the list? Read on to see if you'll be bragging to the neighbors about your dog's intellectual prowess the next time you take your fur baby out for a walk. Don't worry: Even if your dog's breed doesn't land on the list, that doesn't mean he's not a good boy--some traits simply can't be measured.

Beautiful sunflower fields to visit in NJ 2022

Among reasons why the “Garden State” remains a fitting nickname for New Jersey — late summer means the arrival of sunflower season.

There are at least six fields, spanning the state. Some are in bloom as of early August, while others are planned to peak from late August to late September.

Calling or emailing before heading out is always advisable if weather appears to be an issue. 

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