This Is New Jersey’s Weirdest Slang Word
We are famous for a lot of things here in the Garden State, but we may have taken the art of slang words to a whole new level.
There are so many reasons to have a colorful vocabulary here in New Jersey. All it takes is a few miles on 195, the Garden State Parkway, or Route 18 to prompt words pouring out of our mouths that we barely recognize.
New Jersey Slang Words
If the driver doesn't do it, opening up any bill will often have the same effect. A string of unprintable words will fall effortlessly from our mouths without even a second thought.
We have become so prolific at using this colorful vocabulary that we have resorted to using a hand gesture with one single digit extended as a substitute for all the words we shouldn't say.
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That is why most Garden State residents are relieved to learn that when Stacker set out to name the most bizarre slang word in each state, the word chosen for New Jersey was not one of those nasty "car or bills" words.
What Is New Jersey's Strangest Slang Word?
The word they chose is very much a "car" word, but it's not the kind you wouldn't say in front of the kids, but it might lead you to want to.
The word they selected as New Jersey's most bizarre slang word is the very New Jersey word "jughandle".It could have easily been "Traffic circle", but neither will get an argument from us.
One of these days we'll have to find out what the weirdest pronunciation of a word is here in the Garden State. I would guess "Mutz-ah-dell", but that's a conversation for another day.
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