Ocean Twp Residents Concerned with Developer’s Plan
If you don’t like what’s going on in your town…show up, speak up. That is what the Ocean Township residents did at the March 4, 2019 public hearing at the Ocean Township High School, as they expressed their opposition to the proposed Ocean Town Center. Paramount Realty is in the process of requesting final site plan approval from the Planning Board regarding the approximate 32 acre parcel located at the corner of Highway 35 and Deal Road. The developer's plan would include a Wawa gas station/convenience store, a four-story Marriott Residence Inn, Chick-fil-A fast food restaurant, retail space and 70 upscale townhomes. Road improvements would include a jug-handle and an extension of Logan Road across Deal Road into the development. The public hearing included questions from concerned residents, who were reminded to limit their questioning to the evening’s testimony and refrain from personal commentary at this time. Residents asked a series of questions regarding stormwater management, increased traffic congestion, signage on Deal Road, environmental impact, wildlife and health related concerns. Certain questions related to traffic issues would be addressed in a future meeting by the traffic expert for the project. One resident questioned the desirability of the townhouses being positioned in close proximity to the gas station and briefly referenced adverse health effects. Members of the Save32Acres group were also present as they continue to challenge the necessity of the high density project in an attempt to preserve the historic woodland. The Save32Acres group is currently promoting their GoFundMe page in order to retain an attorney to represent their interests. The Monmouth Conservation Foundation is also providing their assistance to help preserve and protect the land. The next public hearing is scheduled for this Monday, March 11, 2019 at 7pm at the Ocean Township High School.