One of the Dogs Rescued from Hoarded Howell Home Adopted
Just days following the shock of 276 dogs being hoarded inside the walls of a home in Howell, the first of now 280 is being adopted. As of Wednesday morning four more dogs were brought in to the Monmouth County SPCA bringing the total up not counting the almost 25 pregnant dogs.
In a hoarding case still with charges pending for the owners, hope arrives Wednesday as the first of many are finding new families to offer love and support. Many of the dogs being brought into the MSPCA are now seeing the outside world for the very first time.
"Their mental state was really shut down, once we removed them from their house," said Ross Licitra, Monmouth County SPCA Executive Director and Chief of Police. "It's like we took them to another planet. They have no idea what other people are, they've never experienced them. This is all they know."
The name of the first dog being adopted is given a temporary name by the MSPCA in honor of the new owner, Alaina whose heart melts for all those pups in need of love.
"We are so excited, we can't wait to bring this dog in," said Alaina Casha. "To give them the best love, and all the attention we possibly can give."
Casha adds she knew instantly which dog she would inevitably take home with her.
"She had just come out of surgery," said Casha. "I saw her laying there and she just came right up to me and there was just something in my heart, I knew this was the one."
She adds if the decision layed in her hands, she would take them all home.
The dog she's taking home comes from a place where the conditions stunned officials.
After taking them into care one lost a leg, and another is struggling with motor skills.
"The animals were infested with flees, they've never seen a veterinarian," said Licitra. "They lived within proximity of each other, right on top of each other in their own feces and urine. Just that in itself is cruel."
The dogs continue to receive treatment and Licitra adds they need to be spayed, nutored, and vaccinated while adapting to the outside world is another challenge, "so many of them are socially shut down right now."
"These dogs are just nervous, they're scared and when you look in their eyes you can see the terror they have in them," said Licitra. "We're going to get through it. We're making progress. Right now it's just getting them squared away."
There will be a meeting among law enforcement and health officials Monday next week with charges against the homeowners about to come down.
"It's the largest case of it's kind, so obviously we don't want to see it," said Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden. "It was shocking to see some of the circumstances.We're trying to find them all homes, so hopefully all this will have a happy ending."
If your looking to adopt one of the dogs Licitra says, "It's a slow process, we've received hundreds of calls coming in to adopt animals. The best thing I can tell people is to please check our website everyday, more and more of these dogs will be coming up for adoption."
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