Now Popular In Local Supermarkets: Organic Soap
Have you noticed that a lot of people are becoming more health conscious these days? Lately, I’ve been doing a lot more shopping in the organic section of the supermarket after reading about toxins in different foods and the harmful effects on the body. Many of us look for the organic symbol on our food products, drink purified water, take vitamins, workout regularly and detoxify our bodies. However, have you ever considered the toxins you put on your skin?
I read an article from the Global Healing Center about the benefits of organic soap and I’m sold. No more chemically laden soaps for me. Harmful fragrances, dyes, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides are among the toxins that can be absorbed through the skin. Minimize your exposure to casual toxins and start using 100% certified organic soap. Some of the common ingredients include aloe, peppermint, olive oil, sunflower petals, wild yucca root and unrefined African Shea Butter to just name a few.
As a general rule, if I can’t pronounce it, I’m not buying it! This could be our first step of investing in a whole line of organic personal care products.
What do you think? Have you gone organic with soap or other household products?
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