Route 37 vs Hooper Avenue Which Road Needs More Attention in Toms River, New Jersey
How is traffic in Toms River, New Jersey
Two of the busiest roads in Toms River are Route 37 and Hooper Avenue. Thousands daily travel these two highways alone. Not quite sure which of these two roads has more traffic on a daily basis, but together they make up for a large part of Toms River traffic.
I think the purpose of this article is to see which of the two needs more attention. Whether that attention is in actual repair of the roads or new patterning, exiting, lighting etc.
What's Busier Hooper Avenue or Route 37 in Toms River
In order to take a closer look at comparing these two very busy highways in Toms River, I decided to ask residents and see what YOU had to say about the two roads and get some insight on infrastructure in Toms River Township. I wanna thank everyone who took some time to comment.
Toms River Speaks Out
Here is a look at just some of YOUR comments....Hooper Ave or Route 37?
- Dorothy: It's a Toss up. They are both kind of busy
- Richard: Hooper. Over the past 37 years, with the growth both Brick and TR has had, Hooper Ave cannot accommodate the traffic.
- Jennifer:Many factors determine which one is busier1. Time of day2. Weather conditions3. Season4. Tourists (people unfamiliar with the area, traffic laws, and road design5. Construction6. How many pizzerias, Chinese foodod places and Starbucks locations are within 2 miles of each other.
- Sandra: It seems to depend on the time of year and the time of day.
- Sharon: Hooper Ave is busier
- Michael: Hooper is more congested, but 37 is busier, especially in the summer months.
- Lorie: Depends on the area of each. Down near the parkway further west is crazy. Hooper Ave near 37 is a disaster. Been here all my life. Back roads are a blessing!
- Mary: Both are very busy that why you should leave early to get to destination
- Jan: Since 37 is essentially a six lane highway I’m not sure that’s a fair question. How about comparing Hooper or route 70?
- Beverly: Hooper Avenue especially in Silverton
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