Should South Jersey Be Its Own State?
When it comes to New Jersey, there doesn't seem to be much debate that South Jersey is very different than North Jersey, but are the differences great enough that it should be its own state?
A recent thread on Reddit took on the topic again, even going so far as to debate a potential South Jersey state capital, while another discussed a potential state flag!
Most controversial of all, of course, is the age-old question of what would actually count as South it Atlantic/Cape May/Cumberland Counties only? What about Salem/Gloucester/Camden counties? South of Burlington? Ocean? Anything south of 195?
I would say for sure anything south of Ocean County would count...but it would also depend on what residents would want!
Back in 1980, Atlantic, Burlington, Cape May, Cumberland, and Salem Counties all voted to secede...but perhaps times have changed?
As for potential South Jersey capitals, Vineland and Mt. Holly seemed to be popular votes, though Atlantic City would also make sense.
Vote in our poll...and add your suggestions for South Jersey capital in the comment section!