Some Advice To Combat The Flu
You can't go anywhere without hearing about it, and you can't touch anything without being afraid to catch it. It's this year's flu, and it has everybody concerned. And there's lots of advice out there about how not to get it, and what to do if you do get it.
According to, there are several do's and don'ts if you get the flu. We all know that we'll do anything to feel better when we're sick, so let's see which one's have the best chance of actually helping, according to the article.
Of course, you should check with your doctor before taking any medications. Here are some of the do's. Do drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration, and do stay home. That last one is good for you and it's also good for everyone in your office. You get the rest and no one gets sneezed on. I know it's not always possible to take a day off and I understand that. But it's never fun to hear the coughing and sneezing and nose blowing coming from the next cubicle.
Among the don'ts, the article suggests don't overdo it with vitamins, and that the effectiveness of zinc is hard to determine. Click here to read the article.
And remember, experts are saying it's still not too late to get your flu shot!