False Alarm! Spring Lake Season Badges are Not Sold Out
Earlier this week, a few folks "in the know" tipped me off to Spring Lake selling out of season beach badges.
Now the official word.
Here's how this rumor all started.
Last year, Spring Lake made 5,500 season beach badges available for the upcoming season.
It was reported by NJ.com that all of those season passes to the Spring Lake sand had been sold by early January 2021.
While I got reports that season badges in the beautiful beach town were once again sold out, I was wrongly informed.
Thankfully, Borough Administrator Brian Dempsey reached out to set the record straight.
Since there aren't any beach restrictions for this upcoming season, badge inventory is plentiful.
As in past years, Spring Lake sold passes onto the sand leading into the holiday season because they make excellent stocking stuffers.
Bottom line, if you'd like to purchase your season beach badge in Spring Lake now, you're more than welcome. You can do it here.
You can also wait until we get closer to the season. There will be room for everyone.
Most importantly, despite a few jaded former sources, Spring Lake welcomes visitors from near and far to enjoy one of the most stunning beach towns in the world.
We can't wait to spend some quality time in town this summer.