Summer State of Mind
Cold days at the Jersey Shore got you down? Is adulting and shoveling slush getting in the way of your positive moods? Well then… I say go crazy and use your imagination to psych your soul out of being as cold as the temps outside this week! How? This idea is something I do around the time I become super over the bi polar weather of Mother Nature…like now!! So, I only do this once or twice because I don’t need to raise the bills too much!! Basically, I get myself in a “Summer State of Mind” by turning the heat up in my house up to about 80, then I put on shorts or sit in my underwear (if I am alone) and then I make a frozen drink for myself, ice cream sundae for my son, and then turn on some music that reminds me of summer. Occasionally I may even cook a BBQ in my house. Not the same but who the heck wants to stand in the cold to grill a burger?! NOT ME!!!! My George Foreman Grill works just fine!! Try it out! You may notice your mood shifts, but you also may have to do this a couple of times for it to work. Good luck!! Bring on the Summer at the Jersey Shore!!