Summer is just ending so that means it's time to look towards all things scary and fun about the fall season which does of course include Halloween!

Toms River Township officials and Toms River Police are out with this years Trick-or-Treat date along with some helpful safety guidelines to make this a happy and safe Halloween, leaving scary things to the movies alone.

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First things first, with Halloween falling on a Sunday this year Trick-Or-Treat day/night will be on Halloween itself, October 31, with the famous and one of the world's best, Toms River Halloween Parade taking place on Saturday October 30, according to a joint announcement out on Monday from Toms River Mayor Maurice "Mo" Hill and Toms River Police Chief Mitch Little.

“With the Toms River Halloween Parade falling on a Saturday this year, children can participate in trick-or-treating on the usual day, October 31st this year,” Mayor Hill said in a statement.

This is how it will usually rearrange itself if Halloween falls on a Sunday the way it does this year, where in most years the parade takes place on October 31 and Trick-or-Treating on October 30.

There are a couple rain conditions, if you will, for this year as well.

If it rains, the parade will move to Monday.

As of right now, it'll be on October 30, beginning at Highland Parkway and Main Street at 7:00 p.m.

Registration is being done on the day of the parade at the Henry Runco Firehouse on Robbins Street between Washington Street & Water Street and CDC guidelines will be enforced.

Back to Trick-or-Treating.

If you go out/take the kids out, Toms River Police ask that they "wear a mask or face covering in accordance with CDC guidelines, practice social distancing, carry hand sanitizer and be respectful of those who choose not to participate."

If you do not want to participate in giving out candy and goodies, you're are asked to turn off your front lights, close your door and put up a sign indicating you are not participating so people don't come knocking or ringing.

Halloween is always fun in Toms River and it always will be, but it's important to practice safety no matter what year it is.

“On October 31st, motorists should be aware and drive with extra caution," Toms River Police Chief Mitch Little said in a statement. "We advise parents to accompany children, always carry a flashlight for safety, stay on sidewalks or as close to the curb as possible and only go to houses where the porch lights are on.”

Chief Little explains that while there's no official curfew in Toms River,  all trick-or-treaters will be asked to be off town streets by 9:00 p.m.

“As always please contact the Toms River Police Department if you see or hear any suspicious activity. Have a safe and Happy Halloween,” Chief Little said.

Here are some Halloween tips from the Toms River Police Department to share with the kids.

Toms River Police Trick-Or-Treating Safety Guidelines and Rules. (Toms River Township)
Toms River Police Trick-Or-Treating Safety Guidelines and Rules. (Toms River Township)

More Halloween History:

The Most Horrifically Haunted Places in New Jersey

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