One of my favorite parts of Christmas is the traditional "Christmas Stockings". Hung by the chimney with care and hopes of fun prizes soon will be there! I love our stockings, it's simple and fun and always a cute surprise.
New Jerseyans are a special breed, and even with all of our state's flaws, you can't help but love this place.
If there's someone in your life who simply loves New Jersey, check out these great gift ideas!
People from NJ tend to have a lot of pride in our state, and for all of its flaws, you can't help but love this place.
If there's someone in your life who simply loves New Jersey, check out these great gift ideas!
If you've never played Candy Crush Saga, the insanely addictive smartphone/tablet/Facebook game, you're in the minority (at least according to my very scientific Facebook newsfeed.)
If you're hooked on the candy like the rest of us, you can finally get a taste of it in real life!