Ryan Seacrest

New Jersey Commuters Have New Excuse Thanks To American Idol
New Jersey Commuters Have New Excuse Thanks To American Idol
New Jersey Commuters Have New Excuse Thanks To American Idol
How many times do you race out of the house in the morning to try to get to work on time only to get stuck in ugly Garden State traffic on the Parkway, 35, 70, Route 9 or any of the other roads that drive us all crazy. Well, we have a new excuse to tell the boss. If Nicki Minaj can do it, so can I!
X Factor Host Explains Why He’s So Abrupt Sometimes
X Factor Host Explains Why He’s So Abrupt Sometimes
X Factor Host Explains Why He’s So Abrupt Sometimes
Steve Jones hasn't exactly gotten rave reviews as host of X Factor. He's been criticized for several things, but the one I hear most often is that he cuts off the judges, especially Paula Abdul. Jones told Ellen Degeneres it's not him, it's the producers screaming in his earpiece, according to msn.com. Don't get me wrong, Paula isn't exactly brief in her comments and she does go on and on, but the