And they're hiring!

We heard about this new location for Surf Taco a while back, and every time I drive along Rt. 35 in Wall I have wondered just what's taking so long!

Truth be told, the last few restaurants in this location didn't make it (and I still miss the Boston Market that my kids grew up going to) but FINALLY the sign is up in Plaza 1818 and so is the 'now hiring' info.

In case you hadn't heard by now, this Surf Taco will be located in the shopping center across the street from the 'old' Shop Rite near the intersection of 18th Ave. and Rt. 35 in the West Belmar area of Wall Township.

So take a ride by if you want info on getting hired, and let's hope the doors open soon if you want yet another Mexican restaurant in town (some say there can never be enough!) Surf Taco does describe itself as 'coastal cuisine' but it's still tacos of some kind. But with a Bubakoos directly across the street and a Chipotle and Pancheros Mexican Grille right down the street, this ought to be MY favorite place out of them all, Fins, also a type of island taco joint, is that's also just down the road.

To read the original post about how this location was supposed to open last fall (lol), CLICK HERE.

PS...If you are vegan and still want a great Mexican experience, check out Luna Verde in Bradley Beach!

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