Mike ‘The Situation’ Getting Released From Prison TOMORROW!
The day has finally come where The Situation can say: "The Situation is no longer under construction."
That's right! Tomorrow, Mike Sorrentino will be released from federal prison after serving an eight-month sentence for tax evasion.
He is expected to walk out of the prison early in the morning or early in the afternoon.
Here is how Dan wise, a federal prison consultant, described what Mike will be dealing with once he is released:
“He'll walk out the front gate and I imagine his wife will be out there picking him up and from there he’ll go directly home and he’ll have 24 to 48 hours to report to his supervised release probation officer and then he’ll get a list of his conditions. What he’s allowed to do, what he’s not allowed to do. I’m sure he’ll be given some leniency for travel for a lot of the ('Jersey Shore') stuff that he’ll be doing but he’ll have to get permission when he needs to travel.”
He will be allowed to film for MTV's Jersey Shore Family Vacation but he can't open ANY new credit cards. (Not that surprising)
When he was first sentenced, there was some discussion about Mike only serving half of the eight months but Wise predicts that it was his celebrity status was the reason that he served the full 8 months.
“I think they punished him,” Wise said. “They were too afraid of him being in a halfway house with his currently 'Situation' celebrity status. They didn’t want press and paparazzi showing up to the house. It's so dark and dingy.”
But above all, I am personally rooting for Mike and Lauren to succeed once he is released. She has stuck by his side through all of this nonsense and she has been very clear that she wants to start a family once he is out.
Get to it, Mike!
The original article is at APP.com.
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