The Top 8 Most Annoying Super Bowl Party Guests [Poll]
A great Super Bowl party usually consists of a decent crowd, awesome food and drinks, and one heck of a football game. Gathering friends and family together can get pretty interesting regardless of the occasion, but there's something about the mixture of friends, food, and football that brings out certain types of people at every party…particularly the annoying types. We zoomed in on each of these types of people to provide you a list of the Top 8 Most Annoying Super Bowl Party Guests.
Jamie Squire, Getty Images
The Overzealous Fan
Paula Bronstein, Getty Images
The Passed-Out Drunk
Al Bello, Getty Images
The One Who ONLY Watches the Half-time Show
The Know-it-All
There's no one more annoying than the guy at the party who constantly interjects everyone's conversations with incorrect answers and opinions about everything! All you want to do is spend time with friends, enjoy the snacks and watch the game, but this person's irritating voice makes it all pretty difficult.
Paul Morigi, Getty Images
The Socialite
The One Who is Obsessed with the Commercials
The Clueless Non-Athlete
The Double Dipper
A staple element to almost every Super Bowl party is the tray with chips and dip. When you're dealing with a decent-sized crowd stretching beyond immediate family, everyone knows the Golden Rule: you must NEVER double dip…well, everyone except for the #1 Most Annoying person on this list. Double dipping is gross and therefore grounds for early (and forced) departure at any Super Bowl Party.