Three Jersey Shore Towns Closing Their Beaches This Friday (4/3)
Three more Jersey Shore towns have decided that it is tie to close their beaches to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
Point Pleasant Beach, Bay Head and Mantoloking announced via social media that their beaches will be closed starting this Friday, April 3rd and will remain closed until further notice.
"While we deeply regret having to restrict this access to those who enjoy our beaches and have respected the Governor’s essential travel restrictions and practiced proper social distancing, the mounting numbers of coronavirus cases in Ocean County and New Jersey have made this decision a necessity to protect the safety and well-being of our local residents and other beachgoers," read the statement.
Point Pleasant Beach already closed their boardwalk last week and both Point and Mantoloking have banned all vacation rentals for the time being.
For the Jersey Shore towns that still have their beaches open....Officials have made it clear that they will be monitoring the beaches to make sure residents are practicing social distancing. If not, the remaining beaches WILL close as well.
We are continuously updating our Ultimate Beach Town Guide so you know ALL of the Jersey Shore towns that have closed their boardwalk and/or beaches during this pandemic.

Stay safe.
Take a look at the original article at APP.com.
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