Emily Ostermann, a student at Donovan Catholic, who aced the AP Chemistry test, visited the Lou & Liz show this morning.

Emily Ostermann is one of only three students who got a perfect score on the exam this year. She is from Toms River and attends Donovan Catholic where she is currently a senior.

Emily talked about how she prepared for the exam and how much she studied. She said she spent about 3 or 4 hours a week preparing.

She also talked about how much help and support she got from Donovan Catholic, including Dr. Mike Lacy, her chem professor.

Emily says she is looking toward the future and would like to become an electrical engineer working on sustainable agricultural technology.

Check out the questions Emily quizzed me on during the morning show and let's see if you get them wrong like I did.

(1) What is the oxidation state of oxygen in H2O2?

(2) Arrange the compounds C2H2 (acetylene), C2H2 Br2 (1,2 - dibromoethylene) and C2H2Br4(tetrabromethane) in order of decreasing H-C-C bond angle.

I'm not even listing the answers. You don't blame me do you? Just face the fact, like I did, that you're probably just wrong and move on.

Congratulations to Emily on a truly amazing accomplishment, and we wish her all the best in whatever she does. We know it will be great!

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