Valentines Day 2020 By The Numbers
Valentines Day is upon us, and it's time to dig into the latest stats you need to know about Valentines Day.
Here's what you need to know about Valentines Day, according to statistics from WalletHub...
This math doesn't add up. More than 3 times the men think buying a Valentines gift is worth going into credit card debt over, but 4 in 10 people say irresponsible spending is a bigger turn off than bad breath and 51% of people wouldn't marry someone with bad credit.
That's a big price tag. Americans will spend $10.5 billion on jewelry, flowers and candy for Valentines Day.
They do. There are 9 million marriage proposals on Valentines Day. The report doesn't specify how many yes's are uttered.
So, there are some fun, or not so fun depending on how you look at it, about Valentines Day. Now it's up to you what you do with this data. Happy Valentines Day!
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