Watch: Antrim Elementary School Teachers’ Video
This beloved Point Pleasant Beach teacher and so many more are missing their students. At Antrim, they have created something so special, and you can see it here.
Mrs. Douglas, as the kids call her, teaches Kindergarten at G. Harold Antrim Elementary School, and has put together this video to let the students know that their teachers are missing them.
It is not easy connecting on a personal level as a teacher, especially when you teach younger students. It is a challenge to keep kids engaged now that they have to do their school work from home.
So many teachers I know are working over TWELVE HOURS A DAY just to come up with new, inventive ideas and creative media and videos to present to their students. This is a completely different realm for them and they are exhausting themselves trying to keep the interest of their students.
Some of these teachers will at least get a spring break to rest, but some schools have ditched the spring break in order to end the school year early and those teachers are already burning out with the amount of time they now are devoting to their students from home, with little time to rest.
I have spoken to many teachers who are missing their students and classroom and worried the kids won't get to come back to school at all before summer break and, therefore, won't have any chance to re-connect even if it's just to say goodbye until September. There will be no closure, and their desks are still full in some cases, in classrooms that were being used one day and then suddenly shuttered.
Some teachers say that some of their students are MIA entirely, and they have been unsuccessful in any attempts to reach them.
And I spoke with one high school teacher who has witnessed many of her 150 English students stealing, copying, and pasting each other's work with no regard to plagiarism or respect for themselves and their teachers, or, at the very least, simply 'phoning it in' and doing as little as possible to get by, if they haven't ditched class entirely.
To all of these teachers, thank you for your service and for caring so much to go out of your way to try even harder to reach your students in any way that you can..