Watch ‘Rocky’ On ‘The Rocky Steps’ in Philadelphia For Free
UPDATE: This post references events from Wawa Welcome America Festival 2019. 2020's event schedule will be released in May 2020. Keep checking back for this year's lineup of events.
This has been a thing for some years, but this event is totally worth the trip to Philly during the Wawa Welcome America Festival.
Watching Rocky on the very steps that made Mr. Stallone famous has become a tradition during the week of July 4th in Philadelphia. Wawa Welcome America is continuing this tradition by opening this year’s Philly @ the Movies Series with the iconic Philadelphia film in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art right next to the famous Rocky statue. Oh, it's free!
There's even 'Rocky' trivia before the movie beginning at 7 p.m.
This event is in partnership with the Philadelphia Film Society.
Text “America” to 888-777 for updated festival information and helpful tips!