What? New Jersey’s Third Favorite Pet Might Give You Nightmares
I'm not sure there is a state where we love our pets more than we do right here in the Garden State, but it does get a little interesting when you get down the pet depth chart a bit in order to learn what the third most popular pet in the Garden State. It's not what you think.
There are some pets that may come to mind that might be the most popular pet behind dogs and cats in the Garden State. But I bet your first few guesses are wrong. Here are some of the pets that are not #3 on our New Jersey list, according to Insider.
Many people love them and many people think that they are just slippery, slimy nightmares in a tank. But don't worry, the snake is not the third most popular pet in New Jersey.
They are really adorable, and they are really popular, but not popular enough to make our state's top 3. Hamsters are not what we are looking for.
And after you hear what the third most popular pet is in New Jersey, you're going to wish the answer is a cuddly, adorable, wonderful bunny...but it's not.
No, it's none of those guesses. It turns out that the #3 pet in New Jersey is not considered a pet, but rather a pest, and is something most people try to keep out of their house at all costs.
Now, we present to you the pet that is New Jersey's #3 most popular pet...
Truth be told, that's a pretty cute mouse in that picture, and yes, enough kids around New Jersey love their mouse pets enough to make them the third most popular pet in our state. When you think about it, how different are they really from hamsters?
Of course, the ultimate irony is the fact that you're either the kind of person that loves the pet mouse, or you're the kind that calls an army of exterminator trucks when you see a wild one. There is no in-between.