The Once-in-a-Lifetime ‘Christmas Star’ Will Be Visible in NJ
It's not too often you can say you've witnessed something that hasn't happened in 800 years.
That's why you have to put a reminder in your phone for December 21. Not only is the 21st the winter solstice or "first day of winter," but that is also when Jupiter and Saturn will lineup to create a breathtaking 'Christmas Star.'
Many are comparing it to the 'Star of Bethlehem,' and a first that may seem like a stretch, but this hasn't happened since the 1600s. That's right, the Middle Ages.
NASA astrophysicist about the phenomenon. Dr. Amber Straughn goes into detail.
This really is a once in a lifetime occurrence. The planets line up fairly close together, Jupiter and Saturn, about every 20 years. But they haven’t been this close together in 800 years. The next time they will be this close together is about 60 years from now.
So how do we witness this spectacle? Experts are saying that we should turn our heads or telescopes if your all fancy to the southwest portion of the sky about 45 minutes after sunset to see the planets align on December 21.
Now, many times these spectaculars in the sky are a one-time deal. However, people much smarter than me are saying that the 'Christmas Star' will most likely be able to be seen throughout the week.
But if you want to see it in its full glory, remember to look up (to the southwest) on December 21 about 45 minutes after sunset for the best view.
Can we all cross our fingers that the weather cooperates and it's crystal clear?

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