Wildflower Planting in Ocean Township
Isn’t it irritating when you see acres of mature trees leveled for new construction when there are abandoned buildings down the road in need of renovation? “Forest Bathing” has become increasingly popular in Japan as they believe in the healing powers of forests. Immerse yourself in Therapy Trails in order to reduce stress and lower blood pressure. You can learn more about the science behind eco-therapy by CLICKING HERE.
Environmental protection needs to be one of our top priorities and the representatives of the Environmental and Shade Tree Commission of Ocean Township would like your support for their Wildflower Planting event on Saturday, November 11th at noon (rain date is Sunday 11/12). Bring a long-handled rake, wear plenty of sunscreen and dress for tic-protection as you plant a variety of wildflowers to attract pollinators to the open meadow in front of the Department of Human Services on Deal Road, Ocean Twp. Get your team together and register by calling 908-337-1011.
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