Wow! Dollar Tree Hits $1.25 in Ocean County What’s Next For New Jersey?
Well, I'll be honest I do find things for our home at the Dollar Tree. Call me cheap, but they do have a lot of good things for the home at inexpensive prices. But now we have to ask ourselves; is the increase in price worth the product?

We hear a lot about inflation and is this a direct effect of inflation? The current rate of inflation is 7.5% in the United States, a 40 year high in America. So maybe we should not be surprised that businesses are raising their prices. Not only at the Dollar Tree, but all over and including at the gas pumps too.
We also have to now factor in the Russia - Ukraine War and how this volatile situation will affect prices, especially at the pumps and to heat our homes this winter and to cool them this summer. Lots of things going on economically for us in New Jersey, around the nation, and the world too.
Speaking of the Russia - Ukraine War our thoughts and prayers go out to all the innocent victims in this tragedy. Although there will be economic wounds, the human wounds from this war will fast outpace any money issues.
Getting back to Dollar Tree, I guess my main question is, are their products worth a 25 cent increase per item? Post your comments below and let us know what you think. I honestly think some items will be worth the extra quarter, but not all their items. I guess it'll have to be a wait and see for which items are good and items you can do without.
One other question, do you think Dollar Tree will ever go back to a dollar? or is that history?
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