You Know You’re From Howell When…
There are people who are from Howell and then there are people who are Howell. When I asked a group from Howell what characteristics, qualities and traits belong on this list, the detail was amazing! From decades ago to current day, you know you're from Howell when...
What's missing from the list? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below!
You Know the Difference Between Howell and Ramtown
You Remember The Moon Motel (Irene Callahan)
Jamesway Was Your Walmart (Kim Burkert McGrantham)
You Know the Best Place to Take a Walk or Run is at the Reservoir (Harrison Strevens)
You Grew Up Playing Mini Golf and Getting Carvel Ice Cream Where The Home Depot is Now (Bob Kelley)
You Remember the Little Old Lady Who Picked Eggs at Rubenstien's Egg Farm on Route 9 (Eric Clayton & Robin Muller)
You Saw Movies at Town & Country and Went to Eat at The Regent Diner Afterwards (Eileen Bernstein-Rodriguez & Theresa Vollo-Glasson)
You Called Turkey Swamp Park to See if the Lake Was Frozen for Skiing (Noreen Merkel)
You Know the Difference Between Squankum Road, Yellowbrook Road and Squankum Yellowbrook Road (Michelle Mancino Marsh)
You Walked Two Miles to the 7-11 on Salem Hill Just to Get a Slurpie (Mike Colombo)
Walking to Lane Drugs Through the Woods by St. Veronica's Because it Was the Only Place You Could Get Makeup and 16 Magazine (Laura DeFabritus)
You Know the Best Place to Go Sledding is the Hill Behind the Library (John Villa)
You Rode Your Bike from Newbury School to Echo Lake (Michele Tsakiris)
You Have at Least One Fond Memory of Echo Lake Park
You Remember the "Killer 9 Highway Sign" (Christine Rock Lindquist)
You Played in the Sand Pit Behind the Water Tower (Lisa Frank Scott)
You Went to One or All of These Eateries: Golden Skillet, Ronnie Lee, Burger Chef, Mr. Steak, Larry's Big Dipper Ice Cream Parlor (Laura DeFabritus)
You Went to the Flea Market...a Lot! (Mark Shaye)
You Went Trick-or-Treating at the Dentist's House and Got a Tooth Brush Kit (Geryl Raucher Hickey)
You Got Your Pac-Man and Pizza Fix at Lino's (Michael Ruszczyk)