30 Minute Workout Not Enough – Study
If you are one of the thousands of people in Monmouth & Ocean Counties who works out for 30 minutes a day,this may surprise you. It may not be enough, according to a recent study.
We've all heard the 30 minutes a day theory, especially for heart health, and many of us have been following that routine, and feeling pretty good about it. But a recent study reported at details.com, says you may not be doing enough to achieve your goals.
Here's the good news. That half hour workout does help reduce the risk of heart disease, but if that workout were doubled, the study says it would reduce the risk of a heart by 20 to 35%. The study concluded a pretty simple, common sense rule. The more you sweat, the healthier it is for your heart.
It always seems that no matter what you do, someone somewhere is telling you it's not enough, but this is important information. Check with your doctor to see what he or she thinks is best for you, and keep on working on it!