Are These The Most Amazing 7 Jersey Shore Wonders Of Our World?
All our lives we've heard about the 7 Wonders of the World, and they are exactly that, wonderful. But what if we had to choose the 7 Wonders of the Jersey Shore, what would they be. That sounds like an interesting and fun list to come up with, so we're going to give it a shot.
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What's the first place that came to mind? I think this list should include, but not be limited to natural wonders. So you may find universal beauty, or just things we think are "wonder"-ful here at the Jersey Shore.
Let us know if you agree with this list (in no specific order)...the 7 Wonders of the Shore...
Of course, we know there are a lot of wonders of the Jersey Shore and we'd love to hear what you think, so if your "wonder" didn't make the list, then please add your choice in the Comment section.